
Consistency The most important factor in improving your health through exercise is to just go do it.  Doing something is automatically better than doing nothing.  Exercise selection, technique, protocol, and rep schemes are meaningless if you don’t actually do them.  Whether you get up and do it first thing in the morning, or every day after work, or Monday/Wednesday/Sunday, it doesn’t matter what you pick as long as you do it, and do it consistently, even when it’s hard.  You do it when you don’t feel like it.  You do it when you’re too busy.  Doing 20 minutes of improvised body weight exercises is better than skipping your workout completely because A) some is better than none, and B) you’re not a quitter, you’re not defined by your circumstances, and YOU have decided you’re going to be consistent.  If you’re consistent, you will see results eventually. Avoid Injury/Damage If you’re injured or sore, it becomes difficult to be consistent.  If you’re creating chronically s

A good article on why women should lift

Romanian Deadlift Basics

The Romanian Deadlift (RDL) is similar to, and can be called either a straight-legged or stiff-legged deadlift.  1)        Start standing with feet regular/standing width apart, pointing forward. 2)        Grab a light bar with both hands in front of you with a normal grip (double overhand grip) 3)        Feet are normal standing width apart, pointing forward. 4)       Pull your shoulder blades together and down, towards your lumbar spine (nothing extreme, just get them in place) 5)       Create tension in your hips by trying to pull your feet away from each other and twisting outward (your feet don’t move, you’re just activating the muscles) 6)       Brace your abdominal muscles and keep them braced 7)       Stick your butt backwards, your head will tilt forward (don’t look up) 8)       Your knees will bend a little bit to allow your butt to move, that’s good 9)       Flex your hamstrings (back of lag) and butt to stand back up 10)    Flex your